Set in the multi-racial suburbs of Sydney, Lebanese-Australian John is released from goal to find his younger brother Charlie caught i...
Grace (2009)
After losing her unborn child, Madeline Matheson insists on carrying the baby to term. Following the delivery, the child miraculously ...
Skellig (2009)
Adapted from the Carnegie & Whitbread Award winning novel by David Almond. FULL MOVIE HERE
One-Eyed Monster (2008)
A hostile alien wreaks havoc on the cast and crew of an adult movie. PART 1 PART 2
Crips and Bloods: Made in America (2008)
With a first-person look at the notorious Crips and Bloods, this film examines the conditions that have lead to decades of devast...
Dark Streets (2008)
The owner of a 1930s nightclub loses control of his life amid love triangles and too much debt. FULL MOVIE HERE
Hindsight (2008)
Unexpectedly pregnant with no means to raise a child, Dina and Ronnie decide to sell their unborn baby over the Internet. Their p...